Friday, May 4, 2018

Epithet Assignment

Epithet Assignment

Rock Licker
I’m just a couple classes (including this one) from graduating with a degree in geology. This means that I’ve spent more time than most people thinking about rocks, fiddling with rocks, and yes, sometimes licking rocks (it’s a legit thing!). The research I’ve been helping with recently is focused on hazards related to tectonics, such as earthquakes and tsunamis. Since I grew up in Utah, which has world-class geology, and along the Wasatch front, which is due for and also very unprepared for a major earthquake, in hindsight it seems pretty understandable that my interests have evolved this way. I want to help create a world where the people living in hazardous places understand those hazards and take the right preventative actions to mitigate them.

Lover of Exploration
I love going new places and trying new experiences. I’m always up for an adventure, whether it’s digging for trilobites in Utah’s west desert  or digging for tsunami deposits in east Indonesia. Even food can be an adventure - there’s not many food “genres” that I don’t enjoy. One of my favorite regions to hike around in is the red rock of southern Utah, and I love to scuba dive when I get the chance to. I really think that opportunities for personal growth should be taken up whenever possible, even if the experience is uncomfortable, out of the way, or difficult.

From a distance a lot of my hobbies seem to be all over the board, but they often have an underlying theme of figuring out a process. As an example, one of the more unusual ones is that I breed ornamental freshwater shrimp (on a very small scale). I also grow aquatic plants in the same tanks, so the whole thing involves finding a balance where the plants can grow, the sensitive shrimp have a stable and appropriate environment for breeding, and other issues like algae outbreaks are minimized. I have to understand everything in these tiny ecosystems from the chemical properties of the substrate to the biological effects of macro and micronutrients on the plants and animals. My tanks are all small, so there’s very little room for error, and while that means I screw up a lot, it’s really satisfying to make tweaks in my process and overcome problems to reach a balance in the environment.

Snuggler of Cats
Much to my mom’s dismay, a feral cat gave birth to kittens in our family backyard when I was a kid. I had never been allowed to have a cat or dog (again, mom hated pets), so I immediately fell in love with them and slowly got them to learn to trust me. I’ve been a cat lady ever since, and 12 years later, I still go to my parents’ house regularly to give them love and snuggles. Luckily they’re only a short drive away; I don’t know how I’d survive if they were states away like many students’ pets are. I’ll always stop to say hi to a cat on the street no matter where I am, and at parties you’ll find me in the corner chilling with the host’s kitty.


  1. I think that is so cool that you breed shrimp and keep a habitat for them with the aquatic plants you grow! I can't imagine the patience you must have for working through the process of finding out the right balance and components for an environment like that. Super cool!

  2. Utah is a great place to explore. People can find a lot of outdoor thing to do in Utah. Have fun

  3. Wow close to graduation? That’s awesome! I’ve been here for so long but still feel like I’m super far away from graduating so I’m very jealous haha. And wow licking rocks? Honestly, I’ve never heard of it but you do you haha! And aww I love cats but I unfortunately cannot be a cat snuggler because I’m super allergic.

  4. Claire! You are so cool! I used to be a big time cat lover as well. In first grade the only thing I knew how to draw was a cat. Aren't they just so fun to snuggle? I took a geology class last semester and I commend you for your field of study! It was one of my hardest classes. You are very smart! That is so fun that you also love to explore! It makes sense. The more we know about the earth, the more fun it is to explore it!

  5. How cool that you have a reason to lick rocks! I have heard that people who specialize in wine tasting also get to lick rocks to get the flavor of the land and better understand its character. I just need to find a reason for myself!

  6. How cool that you have a reason to lick rocks! I have heard that people who specialize in wine tasting also get to lick rocks to get the flavor of the land and better understand its character. I just need to find a reason for myself!

  7. I've never met anyone who is majoring in geology! I do remember when my husband took a geology class over at UVU and he was so fascinated by it all, however I remember him stressing because there was so much terminology to learn. You should definitely thing about living somewhere like Hawaii where there are mountains and an ocean (tsunami territory). I think you would definitely be able to develop some preventative measures and safety precautions in areas like those. Plus, Hawaii would be a fun/beautiful place to live, AND a great place to scuba dive and be adventurous!

  8. I am always down to try food at least once! It's so exciting to try something new and experience it for the first time. I went to China for 4 months and had such an awesome time trying new foods and going to new places!
